Training Methods
The teaching method used by teachers at USANT SMP mostly uses a student-centered teaching approach. The advantages of this approach are:
1. Students learn communicative and collaborative skills that are important through group work.
2. Students learn to direct their own learning, ask questions, and complete tasks independently.
Besides having advantages, in my opinion, this approach also has a disadvantage, one example is not conducive to classrooms and because teachers do not always give instructions to all students at once, some students may lose important facts. Sometimes the teacher also organizes students to several groups. Students really appreciate their teacher by always saying "good morning" to the teacher before learning and "thank you" after the lesson is finished. Students at USANT Middle School are very active by always paying attention to their teacher when teaching and in answering problems given by the teacher. The teacher also asks students to solve questions in front of the class and help them if they have a problem.
Materials for learning and innovation
I teach class 9 and learning materials according to K-12. The learner demonstrates the understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, rational algebraic equations, variations, and radicals) and geometry (parallelograms and triangle similarities and basic concepts of trigonometry) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem-solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life. When I was teaching, I got geometry material (parallelograms and triangle similarities).
For learning innovations, teachers use the student-centered teaching approach. But there are some problems with students' understanding that is a little disturbed, which is why I use innovation by adding quiz-based games to better manage the time to teach.
Learning resources and technology
The source of learning is using books, teacher books, and student books. Because most schools in the Philippines use chalkboards, so to use the technology we have to take turns using the multimedia room. In the multimedia room, the technology used is only LCD Display and speaker sound in front of the class.
Authentic Assessment
The authentic assessment used by the teacher is based on students' assignments during the learning session, activeness of students in the class, and also the results of the midterm evaluation of students, and also by using teacher quizzes.